Sunday, September 27, 2009

Why trade in foreign currency exchange market?

Why trade Forex instead of stocks, futures, commodities, or options? Why more and more people nowadays started trading Forex at home? Perhaps the list of advantages in Forex trading has the answer.

In this chapter of Forex 101 Classroom, we will take a look on advantages in Forex trading.

Advantages in Forex currency trading
Equal Prospective in Rising or Falling Market Trend

There is no structural bias to the market and there are no restrictions on short selling in FX market. Trading in Forex gives you an equal prospective in rising and falling market.

As trades are always done in pair of currency pairs, Forex traders can always find chance to make money in anytime, regardless on the fall or rise period of one single country currency.

Trade Forex 24 hours a day

Forex market never sleeps. In Forex trading, you do not need to wait the market to open, you can always response to world latest movement and news immediately.

Every Sunday 5.00pm in New York, Forex market starts its week from Sydney, followed by Tokyo, Singapore, Hong Kong, London, and New York. In Forex tradng, you can always response to the market trend a lot faster than in any other trading market.

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