Finding a web host is easy, but finding a good one is hard. Really, all you need to do to find one is to Google the words 'web host' and you will be overcome by thousands of hits, from hundreds of different companies who will be offering you their brand of the best web hosting solution out there. What you need to understand is that anyone can offer you this service, but only a select few can have the services and the resources to give you a good web hosting service.
What this article is going to do is to just list down some of the features that you might want to look out for when talking about web hosts that will be able to support your needs and then some. These are just some general guidelines and some of the basics that these hosts must live up to. Depending on the nature of why you need a web host, you might want to look at other more advanced features. One of the things you need to look out for is the digital disk space that will be allotted to you when you sign up with their service. The thing is, one of the main problems that people encounter when getting a good web host is that they do not get enough disk space.
Make sure that you get more than you need when you are signing up with a host, because the whole point of getting a website is to be able to expand at a later date. One of the more common sizes to look out for is above 100 megs, and some may consider in excess of 500 megs depending on the type of website and the sort of volume that you may be expecting. Another thing you need to look out for is the type of bandwidth and the sort of network technology that they are using. 56K is not going to cut it, but you get the idea. Normally a server would at least run something like a T1 or faster connection on multiple ports to support domain names.
Host Gator provides Shared, Reseller and Dedicated web hosting solutions. Our services are designed for both beginners and professionals. All of our shared plans include a 99.9% uptime guarantee, 24/7 support and a 45-day money back guarantee.
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
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