Multiple domain hosting is the new wave of cost cutting measures by web hosts and web masters these days. This is because of the new rising concerns of many web masters that have a problem cutting costs when dealing with a web host that runs more than a single web site. It is actually quite common to many shared web hosting solutions out there, among other problems experienced by what is considered to be yesterday's solution to hosting many websites.
One of the main alternatives that these webmasters are looking to is multiple domain hosting, and what it is actually using a single account to host multiple websites with their own domain names. This is quite different from the old system where many accounts were being managed by a single web master. When looking at this, the solution of multiple domain hosting is actually quite simple and there are many ways for you to do this. One of the more simpler ways for you to achieve this is to actually redirect all the directories and sub directories of the account into a single domain root. In this method, all you are doing is creating a subdirectory of the root domain, and all new domains will be then set up to actually point to that particular subdirectory.
The uses are the same, all that is being done is some minor name changing. The process is then automated on the end of the user, which means that even if they type in the old domain name, they will be automatically route to the newly created sub domain. While slightly technical in explanation, the process is really quite easy to do and anyone can achieve it. Many web masters are touting this method, especially for those who have more than one networked web site that have similar administrative needs. This means that you will have separate control panels and options for managing these websites, which would be quite tedious.
If you have a website with many domains within the root address, then you might want to consider multiple web hosting as well. There are other methods besides this and one of them is true multi domain hosting, which means that you will get a single domain and subdirectories, but you will receive separate ways to control each of the domains through GUI's and panels. The benefit of this is that there will be plenty of flexibility in customising each and every domain, but of course this is a much more intensive and labour hardy method. The other method that is floating around is called multi domain housing reseller account, a mouthful of a name that allows for you to create customised websites and domains, under a single control panel. It is a really cheap way for you to start up your own web hosting company. So these are some of the alternatives to just plain old domain hosting, and one of them may be the answer to all your problems.
Now hosting over 1,800,000 domains!
Host Gator provides Shared, Reseller and Dedicated web hosting solutions. Our services are designed for both beginners and professionals. All of our shared plans include a 99.9% uptime guarantee, 24/7 support and a 45-day money back guarantee.
Monday, August 17, 2009
Multiple Domain Hosting - The New Solution to Cut Costs
Multiple domain hosting is the new wave of cost cutting measures by web hosts and web masters these days. This is because of the new rising concerns of many web masters that have a problem cutting costs when dealing with a web host that runs more than a single web site. It is actually quite common to many shared web hosting solutions out there, among other problems experienced by what is considered to be yesterday's solution to hosting many websites.
One of the main alternatives that these webmasters are looking to is multiple domain hosting, and what it is actually using a single account to host multiple websites with their own domain names. This is quite different from the old system where many accounts were being managed by a single web master. When looking at this, the solution of multiple domain hosting is actually quite simple and there are many ways for you to do this. One of the more simpler ways for you to achieve this is to actually redirect all the directories and sub directories of the account into a single domain root. In this method, all you are doing is creating a subdirectory of the root domain, and all new domains will be then set up to actually point to that particular subdirectory.
The uses are the same, all that is being done is some minor name changing. The process is then automated on the end of the user, which means that even if they type in the old domain name, they will be automatically route to the newly created sub domain. While slightly technical in explanation, the process is really quite easy to do and anyone can achieve it. Many web masters are touting this method, especially for those who have more than one networked web site that have similar administrative needs. This means that you will have separate control panels and options for managing these websites, which would be quite tedious.
If you have a website with many domains within the root address, then you might want to consider multiple web hosting as well. There are other methods besides this and one of them is true multi domain hosting, which means that you will get a single domain and subdirectories, but you will receive separate ways to control each of the domains through GUI's and panels. The benefit of this is that there will be plenty of flexibility in customising each and every domain, but of course this is a much more intensive and labour hardy method. The other method that is floating around is called multi domain housing reseller account, a mouthful of a name that allows for you to create customised websites and domains, under a single control panel. It is a really cheap way for you to start up your own web hosting company. So these are some of the alternatives to just plain old domain hosting, and one of them may be the answer to all your problems.
Now hosting over 1,800,000 domains!
Host Gator provides Shared, Reseller and Dedicated web hosting solutions. Our services are designed for both beginners and professionals. All of our shared plans include a 99.9% uptime guarantee, 24/7 support and a 45-day money back guarantee.
One of the main alternatives that these webmasters are looking to is multiple domain hosting, and what it is actually using a single account to host multiple websites with their own domain names. This is quite different from the old system where many accounts were being managed by a single web master. When looking at this, the solution of multiple domain hosting is actually quite simple and there are many ways for you to do this. One of the more simpler ways for you to achieve this is to actually redirect all the directories and sub directories of the account into a single domain root. In this method, all you are doing is creating a subdirectory of the root domain, and all new domains will be then set up to actually point to that particular subdirectory.
The uses are the same, all that is being done is some minor name changing. The process is then automated on the end of the user, which means that even if they type in the old domain name, they will be automatically route to the newly created sub domain. While slightly technical in explanation, the process is really quite easy to do and anyone can achieve it. Many web masters are touting this method, especially for those who have more than one networked web site that have similar administrative needs. This means that you will have separate control panels and options for managing these websites, which would be quite tedious.
If you have a website with many domains within the root address, then you might want to consider multiple web hosting as well. There are other methods besides this and one of them is true multi domain hosting, which means that you will get a single domain and subdirectories, but you will receive separate ways to control each of the domains through GUI's and panels. The benefit of this is that there will be plenty of flexibility in customising each and every domain, but of course this is a much more intensive and labour hardy method. The other method that is floating around is called multi domain housing reseller account, a mouthful of a name that allows for you to create customised websites and domains, under a single control panel. It is a really cheap way for you to start up your own web hosting company. So these are some of the alternatives to just plain old domain hosting, and one of them may be the answer to all your problems.
Now hosting over 1,800,000 domains!
Host Gator provides Shared, Reseller and Dedicated web hosting solutions. Our services are designed for both beginners and professionals. All of our shared plans include a 99.9% uptime guarantee, 24/7 support and a 45-day money back guarantee.
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Once again, we are hit with the triumvirate of war, the restrictive gold standard, and dollars in foreign banks.This time, each problem was feeding directly off of the others. The Vietnam Conflict had drained our gold reserves heavily. By 1970, Fort Knox only held US$12 Billion.The growth of the oil business and the increase in foreign trade caused a boom in the demand for US dollars in foreign banks. Over US$ 47 Billion was sitting in overseas banks.On paper, our gold reserves were over-leveraged by almost 4 to 1. As a nation, we did not know how to react to such an overbearing assault on our currency. Then along came the invention of the Eurodollar to make our nightmare worse.Foreign banks with US dollars would make low-interest loans in US dollars to importers and exporters. Although the dollars were never repatriated, the US was still on the hook to exchange these “credit”-created dollars for the gold we kept on reserve.Then came a miracle in disguise . The Bretton Woods Agreement collapsed. In the over-leveraged gold-dollar environment, many countries began to feel frustrated with the artificial peg.In blatant defiance to the agreement in 1971, Germany declared that they would float the Deutsche mark. They were tired of the artificial peg that was keeping their economy depressed.In the first hour of trading, over US$1 billion were exchanged for Deutsche marks. For the first time, the public had voiced their opinion against being so heavily weighted with dollars.With Germany completely ignoring the Bretton Woods Agreement by floating their currency, the US government had nothing left to do but put the final nail in the coffin of the U.S.'s currency policy. The Bretton Woods Agreement was dissolved.Three short months after the Deutsche mark began to float, the US moved off of the gold standard. Gold was allowed to float freely like any other currency. Oil, although priced in US dollars, soon switched to a peg against gold. Gold and oil prices jumped ten-fold.The currency dynamics were soon changed on a global scale and it became accepted practice that countries began to float their own currency.
New Rules of Currency
In 1971, the Smithsonian Agreement replaced the Bretton Woods Agreement and authorized “forward currency contracts”, adding validity to the Eurodollar phenomenon. It didn’t work. A year later the European Joint Float was established. It, and the Smithsonian Agreement, were scrapped in 1973. Even though they were dissolved the concept of “forward currency contracts” stayed as part of the banking system.Once currencies began to “free-float”, they immediately moved away from their gentlemanly 1% fluctuations on either side to huge price ranges, going anywhere from 20-25% daily.From 1970-1973, the total foreign exchange volume went from US$25 Billion to US$100 Billion. With oil prices up, gold prices up, and an economy still reeling from the rapid currency shift, “stagflation”, rising inflation while real incomes remained the same, soon hit the United States.
New Rules of Currency
In 1971, the Smithsonian Agreement replaced the Bretton Woods Agreement and authorized “forward currency contracts”, adding validity to the Eurodollar phenomenon. It didn’t work. A year later the European Joint Float was established. It, and the Smithsonian Agreement, were scrapped in 1973. Even though they were dissolved the concept of “forward currency contracts” stayed as part of the banking system.Once currencies began to “free-float”, they immediately moved away from their gentlemanly 1% fluctuations on either side to huge price ranges, going anywhere from 20-25% daily.From 1970-1973, the total foreign exchange volume went from US$25 Billion to US$100 Billion. With oil prices up, gold prices up, and an economy still reeling from the rapid currency shift, “stagflation”, rising inflation while real incomes remained the same, soon hit the United States.
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